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class NaffException (Exception)

Base Exception of Naff.

Source code in naff/client/
class NaffException(Exception):
    """Base Exception of Naff."""

class BotException (NaffException)

An issue occurred in the client, likely user error.

Source code in naff/client/
class BotException(NaffException):
    """An issue occurred in the client, likely user error."""

class GatewayNotFound (NaffException)

An exception that is raised when the gateway for Discord could not be found.

Source code in naff/client/
class GatewayNotFound(NaffException):
    """An exception that is raised when the gateway for Discord could not be found."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Unable to find discord gateway!")

class LoginError (BotException)

The bot failed to login, check your token.

Source code in naff/client/
class LoginError(BotException):
    """The bot failed to login, check your token."""

class HTTPException (NaffException)

A HTTP request resulted in an exception.


Name Type Description
response aiohttp.ClientResponse

The response of the HTTP request

text str

The text of the exception, could be None

status int

The HTTP status code

code int

The discord error code, if one is provided

route Route

The HTTP route that was used

Source code in naff/client/
class HTTPException(NaffException):
    A HTTP request resulted in an exception.

        response aiohttp.ClientResponse: The response of the HTTP request
        text str: The text of the exception, could be None
        status int: The HTTP status code
        code int: The discord error code, if one is provided
        route Route: The HTTP route that was used


    def __init__(
        response: aiohttp.ClientResponse,
        text: const.Absent[str] = const.MISSING,
        discord_code: const.Absent[int] = const.MISSING,
    ) -> None:
        self.response: aiohttp.ClientResponse = response
        self.status: int = response.status
        self.code: const.Absent[int] = discord_code
        self.text: const.Absent[str] = text
        self.errors: const.Absent[Any] = const.MISSING
        self.route = kwargs.get("route", const.MISSING)

        if data := kwargs.get("response_data"):
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                self.text = data.get("message", const.MISSING)
                self.code = data.get("code", const.MISSING)
                self.errors = data.get("errors", const.MISSING)
                self.text = data
        super().__init__(f"{self.status}|{self.response.reason}: {f'({self.code}) ' if self.code else ''}{self.text}")

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        errors = self.search_for_message(self.errors)
        out = f"HTTPException: {self.status}|{self.response.reason}: " + "\n".join(errors)
        return out

    def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
        Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

            errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
            lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

            A list of parsed error strings found

        messages: List[str] = []
        errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

        def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
            """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
                return int(x)
            except ValueError:
                return x

        def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
            """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
            for key, val in _errors.items():
                if key == "_errors":
                    key_out = []
                    if keys:
                        if lookup:
                            # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                            _lookup = lookup
                            for _key in keys:
                                _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                                if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                    key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                            key_out = keys

                    for msg in val:
                        messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                    if keys:
                        keys = [key]
                    _parse(val, keys)


        return messages

staticmethod method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class DiscordError (HTTPException)

A discord-side error.

Source code in naff/client/
class DiscordError(HTTPException):
    """A discord-side error."""

inherited method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class BadRequest (HTTPException)

A bad request was made.

Source code in naff/client/
class BadRequest(HTTPException):
    """A bad request was made."""

inherited method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class Forbidden (HTTPException)

You do not have access to this.

Source code in naff/client/
class Forbidden(HTTPException):
    """You do not have access to this."""

inherited method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class NotFound (HTTPException)

This resource could not be found.

Source code in naff/client/
class NotFound(HTTPException):
    """This resource could not be found."""

inherited method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class RateLimited (HTTPException)

Discord is rate limiting this application.

Source code in naff/client/
class RateLimited(HTTPException):
    """Discord is rate limiting this application."""

inherited method search_for_message(errors, lookup)

Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.


Name Type Description Default
errors dict

The error dictionary of the http exception

lookup Optional[dict]

A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items



Type Description

A list of parsed error strings found

Source code in naff/client/
def search_for_message(errors: dict, lookup: Optional[dict] = None) -> list[str]:
    Search the exceptions error dictionary for a message explaining the issue.

        errors: The error dictionary of the http exception
        lookup: A lookup dictionary to use to convert indexes into named items

        A list of parsed error strings found

    messages: List[str] = []
    errors = errors.get("errors", errors)

    def maybe_int(x: SupportsInt | Any) -> Union[int, Any]:
        """If something can be an integer, convert it to one, otherwise return its normal value"""
            return int(x)
        except ValueError:
            return x

    def _parse(_errors: dict, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
        """Search through the entire dictionary for any errors defined"""
        for key, val in _errors.items():
            if key == "_errors":
                key_out = []
                if keys:
                    if lookup:
                        # this code simply substitutes keys for attribute names
                        _lookup = lookup
                        for _key in keys:
                            _lookup = _lookup[maybe_int(_key)]

                            if isinstance(_lookup, dict):
                                key_out.append(_lookup.get("name", _key))
                        key_out = keys

                for msg in val:
                    messages.append(f"{'->'.join(key_out)} {msg['code']}: {msg['message']}")
                if keys:
                    keys = [key]
                _parse(val, keys)


    return messages

class TooManyChanges (NaffException)

You have changed something too frequently.

Source code in naff/client/
class TooManyChanges(NaffException):
    """You have changed something too frequently."""

class WebSocketClosed (NaffException)

The websocket was closed.

Source code in naff/client/
class WebSocketClosed(NaffException):
    """The websocket was closed."""

    code: int = 0
    codes: Dict[int, str] = {
        1000: "Normal Closure",
        4000: "Unknown Error",
        4001: "Unknown OpCode",
        4002: "Decode Error",
        4003: "Not Authenticated",
        4004: "Authentication Failed",
        4005: "Already Authenticated",
        4007: "Invalid seq",
        4008: "Rate limited",
        4009: "Session Timed Out",
        4010: "Invalid Shard",
        4011: "Sharding Required",
        4012: "Invalid API Version",
        4013: "Invalid Intents",
        4014: "Disallowed Intents",

    def __init__(self, code: int) -> None:
        self.code = code
        super().__init__(f"The Websocket closed with code: {code} - {, 'Unknown Error')}")

class VoiceWebSocketClosed (NaffException)

The voice websocket was closed.

Source code in naff/client/
class VoiceWebSocketClosed(NaffException):
    """The voice websocket was closed."""

    code: int = 0
    codes: Dict[int, str] = {
        1000: "Normal Closure",
        4000: "Unknown Error",
        4001: "Unknown OpCode",
        4002: "Decode Error",
        4003: "Not Authenticated",
        4004: "Authentication Failed",
        4005: "Already Authenticated",
        4006: "Session no longer valid",
        4007: "Invalid seq",
        4009: "Session Timed Out",
        4011: "Server not found",
        4012: "Unknown protocol",
        4014: "Disconnected",
        4015: "Voice Server Crashed",
        4016: "Unknown encryption mode",

    def __init__(self, code: int) -> None:
        self.code = code
        super().__init__(f"The Websocket closed with code: {code} - {, 'Unknown Error')}")

class WebSocketRestart (NaffException)

The websocket closed, and is safe to restart.

Source code in naff/client/
class WebSocketRestart(NaffException):
    """The websocket closed, and is safe to restart."""

    resume: bool = False

    def __init__(self, resume: bool = False) -> None:
        self.resume = resume
        super().__init__("Websocket connection closed... reconnecting")

class ExtensionException (BotException)

An error occurred with an extension.

Source code in naff/client/
class ExtensionException(BotException):
    """An error occurred with an extension."""

class ExtensionNotFound (ExtensionException)

The desired extension was not found.

Source code in naff/client/
class ExtensionNotFound(ExtensionException):
    """The desired extension was not found."""

class ExtensionLoadException (ExtensionException)

An error occurred loading an extension.

Source code in naff/client/
class ExtensionLoadException(ExtensionException):
    """An error occurred loading an extension."""

class CommandException (BotException)

An error occurred trying to execute a command.

Source code in naff/client/
class CommandException(BotException):
    """An error occurred trying to execute a command."""

class CommandOnCooldown (CommandException)

A command is on cooldown, and was attempted to be executed.


Name Type Description
command BaseCommand

The command that is on cooldown

cooldown CooldownSystem

The cooldown system

Source code in naff/client/
class CommandOnCooldown(CommandException):
    A command is on cooldown, and was attempted to be executed.

        command BaseCommand: The command that is on cooldown
        cooldown CooldownSystem: The cooldown system


    def __init__(self, command: "BaseCommand", cooldown: "CooldownSystem") -> None:
        self.command: "BaseCommand" = command
        self.cooldown: "CooldownSystem" = cooldown

        super().__init__(f"Command on cooldown... {cooldown.get_cooldown_time():.2f} seconds until reset")

class MaxConcurrencyReached (CommandException)

A command has exhausted the max concurrent requests.

Source code in naff/client/
class MaxConcurrencyReached(CommandException):
    """A command has exhausted the max concurrent requests."""

    def __init__(self, command: "BaseCommand", max_conc: "MaxConcurrency") -> None:
        self.command: "BaseCommand" = command
        self.max_conc: "MaxConcurrency" = max_conc

        super().__init__(f"Command has exhausted the max concurrent requests. ({max_conc.concurrent} simultaneously)")

class CommandCheckFailure (CommandException)

A command check failed.


Name Type Description
command BaseCommand

The command that's check failed

check Callable[..., Coroutine]

The check that failed

Source code in naff/client/
class CommandCheckFailure(CommandException):
    A command check failed.

        command BaseCommand: The command that's check failed
        check Callable[..., Coroutine]: The check that failed


    def __init__(self, command: "BaseCommand", check: Callable[..., Coroutine], context: "Context") -> None:
        self.command: "BaseCommand" = command
        self.check: Callable[..., Coroutine] = check
        self.context = context

class BadArgument (CommandException)

A prefixed command encountered an invalid argument.

Source code in naff/client/
class BadArgument(CommandException):
    """A prefixed command encountered an invalid argument."""

    def __init__(self, message: Optional[str] = None, *args: Any) -> None:
        if message is not None:
            message = escape_mentions(message)
            super().__init__(message, *args)

class MessageException (BotException)

A message operation encountered an exception.

Source code in naff/client/
class MessageException(BotException):
    """A message operation encountered an exception."""

class EmptyMessageException (MessageException)

You have attempted to send a message without any content or embeds

Source code in naff/client/
class EmptyMessageException(MessageException):
    """You have attempted to send a message without any content or embeds"""

class EphemeralEditException (MessageException)

Your bot attempted to edit an ephemeral message. This is not possible.

Its worth noting you can edit an ephemeral message with component's edit_origin method.

Source code in naff/client/
class EphemeralEditException(MessageException):
    Your bot attempted to edit an ephemeral message. This is not possible.

    Its worth noting you can edit an ephemeral message with component's
    `edit_origin` method.


    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Ephemeral messages cannot be edited.")

class ThreadException (BotException)

A thread operation encountered an exception.

Source code in naff/client/
class ThreadException(BotException):
    """A thread operation encountered an exception."""

class ThreadOutsideOfGuild (ThreadException)

A thread was attempted to be created outside of a guild.

Source code in naff/client/
class ThreadOutsideOfGuild(ThreadException):
    """A thread was attempted to be created outside of a guild."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Threads cannot be created outside of guilds")

class InteractionException (BotException)

An error occurred with an interaction.

Source code in naff/client/
class InteractionException(BotException):
    """An error occurred with an interaction."""

class InteractionMissingAccess (InteractionException)

The bot does not have access to the specified scope.

Source code in naff/client/
class InteractionMissingAccess(InteractionException):
    """The bot does not have access to the specified scope."""

    def __init__(self, scope: "Snowflake_Type") -> None:
        self.scope: "Snowflake_Type" = scope

        if scope == const.GLOBAL_SCOPE:
            err_msg = "Unable to sync commands global commands"
            err_msg = (
                f"Unable to sync commands for guild `{scope}` -- Ensure the bot properly added to that guild "
                f"with `application.commands` scope. "


class AlreadyDeferred (BotException)

An interaction was already deferred, and you attempted to defer it again.

Source code in naff/client/
class AlreadyDeferred(BotException):
    """An interaction was already deferred, and you attempted to defer it again."""

class ForeignWebhookException (NaffException)

Raised when you attempt to send using a webhook you did not create.

Source code in naff/client/
class ForeignWebhookException(NaffException):
    """Raised when you attempt to send using a webhook you did not create."""

class EventLocationNotProvided (BotException)

Raised when you have entity_type external and no location is provided.

Source code in naff/client/
class EventLocationNotProvided(BotException):
    """Raised when you have entity_type external and no location is provided."""

class VoiceAlreadyConnected (BotException)

Raised when you attempt to connect a voice channel that is already connected.

Source code in naff/client/
class VoiceAlreadyConnected(BotException):
    """Raised when you attempt to connect a voice channel that is already connected."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Bot already connected to the voice channel")

class VoiceNotConnected (BotException)

Raised when you attempt to connect a voice channel that is not connected.

Source code in naff/client/
class VoiceNotConnected(BotException):
    """Raised when you attempt to connect a voice channel that is not connected."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Bot is not connected to any voice channels in given guild")

class VoiceConnectionTimeout (NaffException)

Raised when the bot fails to connect to a voice channel.

Source code in naff/client/
class VoiceConnectionTimeout(NaffException):
    """Raised when the bot fails to connect to a voice channel."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("Failed to connect to voice channel. Did not receive a response from Discord")