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class AsyncIterator (AsyncIterator, ABC)

Source code in naff/models/misc/
class AsyncIterator(_AsyncIterator, ABC):
    def __init__(self, limit: int = 50) -> None:
        self._queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue()
        """The queue of items in the iterator"""

        self._limit: int = limit if limit else MISSING
        """the limit of items to retrieve"""

        self.last: Absent[Any] = MISSING
        """The last item retrieved"""

        self._retrieved_objects: List = []
        """All items this iterator has retrieved"""

    def _continue(self) -> bool:
        """Whether iteration should continue. Returns False if the limit has been reached."""
        if not self._limit:
            return True
        return not len(self._retrieved_objects) >= self._limit

    def get_limit(self) -> int:
        """Get how the maximum number of items that should be retrieved."""
        return min(self._limit - len(self._retrieved_objects), 100) if self._limit else 100

    def total_retrieved(self) -> int:
        """Get the total number of objects this iterator has retrieved."""
        return len(self._retrieved_objects)

    async def add_object(self, obj) -> None:
        """Add an object to iterator's queue."""
        return await self._queue.put(obj)

    async def fetch(self) -> list:
        Fetch additional objects.

        Your implementation of this method *must* return a list of objects.
        If no more objects are available, raise QueueEmpty

            List of objects

              QueueEmpty when no more objects are available.


    async def _get_items(self) -> None:
        if self._continue:
            data = await self.fetch()
            [await self.add_object(obj) for obj in data]
            raise QueueEmpty

    async def __anext__(self) -> Any:
            if self._queue.empty():
                await self._get_items()
            self.last = self._queue.get_nowait()

            # add the message to the already retrieved objects, so that the search function works when calling it multiple times

            return self.last
        except QueueEmpty as e:
            raise StopAsyncIteration from e

    async def flatten(self) -> List:
        """Flatten this iterator into a list of objects."""
        return [elem async for elem in self]

    async def search(self, target_id: "snowflake.Snowflake_Type") -> bool:
        """Search the iterator for an object with the given ID."""
        target_id = snowflake.to_snowflake(target_id)

        if target_id in [ for o in self._retrieved_objects]:
            return True

        async for o in self:
            if == target_id:
                return True
        return False

property readonly get_limit: int

Get how the maximum number of items that should be retrieved.

property readonly total_retrieved: int

Get the total number of objects this iterator has retrieved.

async method add_object(self, obj)

Add an object to iterator's queue.

Source code in naff/models/misc/
async def add_object(self, obj) -> None:
    """Add an object to iterator's queue."""
    return await self._queue.put(obj)

async method fetch(self)

Fetch additional objects.

Your implementation of this method must return a list of objects. If no more objects are available, raise QueueEmpty


Type Description

List of objects

Source code in naff/models/misc/
async def fetch(self) -> list:
    Fetch additional objects.

    Your implementation of this method *must* return a list of objects.
    If no more objects are available, raise QueueEmpty

        List of objects

          QueueEmpty when no more objects are available.


async method flatten(self)

Flatten this iterator into a list of objects.

Source code in naff/models/misc/
async def flatten(self) -> List:
    """Flatten this iterator into a list of objects."""
    return [elem async for elem in self]

async method search(self, target_id)

Search the iterator for an object with the given ID.

Source code in naff/models/misc/
async def search(self, target_id: "snowflake.Snowflake_Type") -> bool:
    """Search the iterator for an object with the given ID."""
    target_id = snowflake.to_snowflake(target_id)

    if target_id in [ for o in self._retrieved_objects]:
        return True

    async for o in self:
        if == target_id:
            return True
    return False