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attrs class TeamMember (DiscordObject)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

membership_state TeamMembershipState

Rhe user's membership state on the team

team_id Snowflake_Type

Rhe id of the parent team of which they are a member

user User

Rhe avatar, discriminator, id, and username of the user

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class TeamMember(DiscordObject):
    membership_state: TeamMembershipState = field(converter=TeamMembershipState)
    """Rhe user's membership state on the team"""
    # permissions: List[str] = field(default=["*"])  # disabled until discord adds more team roles
    team_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(repr=True)
    """Rhe id of the parent team of which they are a member"""
    user: "User" = field()  # TODO: cache partial user (avatar, discrim, id, username)
    """Rhe avatar, discriminator, id, and username of the user"""

    def _process_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any], client: "Client") -> Dict[str, Any]:
        data["user"] = client.cache.place_user_data(data["user"])
        data["id"] = data["user"].id
        return data

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

attrs class Team (DiscordObject)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

icon Optional[naff.models.discord.asset.Asset]

A hash of the image of the team's icon

members List[]

The members of the team

name str

The name of the team

owner_user_id Snowflake_Type

The user id of the current team owner

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class Team(DiscordObject):
    icon: Optional[Asset] = field(default=None)
    """A hash of the image of the team's icon"""
    members: List[TeamMember] = field(factory=list)
    """The members of the team"""
    name: str = field(repr=True)
    """The name of the team"""
    owner_user_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(converter=to_snowflake)
    """The user id of the current team owner"""

    def _process_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any], client: "Client") -> Dict[str, Any]:
        data["members"] = TeamMember.from_list(data["members"], client)
        if data["icon"]:
            data["icon"] = Asset.from_path_hash(client, f"team-icons/{data['id']}/{{}}", data["icon"])
        return data

    def owner(self) -> "User":
        """The owner of the team"""
        return self._client.cache.get_user(self.owner_user_id)

    def is_in_team(self, user: Union["SnowflakeObject", "Snowflake_Type"]) -> bool:
        Returns True if the passed user or ID is a member within the team.

            user: The user or user ID to check

            Boolean indicating whether the user is in the team
        return to_snowflake(user) in [ for m in self.members]

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

property readonly owner: User

The owner of the team

method is_in_team(self, user)

Returns True if the passed user or ID is a member within the team.


Name Type Description Default
user Union[SnowflakeObject, Snowflake_Type]

The user or user ID to check



Type Description

Boolean indicating whether the user is in the team

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def is_in_team(self, user: Union["SnowflakeObject", "Snowflake_Type"]) -> bool:
    Returns True if the passed user or ID is a member within the team.

        user: The user or user ID to check

        Boolean indicating whether the user is in the team
    return to_snowflake(user) in [ for m in self.members]

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)