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Auto defer

attrs class AutoDefer

Automatically defer application commands for you!

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
enabled bool

Whether or not auto-defer is enabled

ephemeral bool

Should the command be deferred as ephemeral or not

time_until_defer float

How long to wait before automatically deferring

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class AutoDefer:
    """Automatically defer application commands for you!"""

    enabled: bool = field(default=False)
    """Whether or not auto-defer is enabled"""

    ephemeral: bool = field(default=False)
    """Should the command be deferred as ephemeral or not"""

    time_until_defer: float = field(default=1.5)
    """How long to wait before automatically deferring"""

    async def __call__(self, ctx: "InteractionContext") -> None:
        if self.enabled:
            if self.time_until_defer > 0:
                loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
                loop.call_later(self.time_until_defer, loop.create_task, self.defer(ctx))
                await ctx.defer(self.ephemeral)

    async def defer(self, ctx: "InteractionContext") -> None:
        """Defer the command"""
        if not ctx.responded or not ctx.deferred:
                await ctx.defer(self.ephemeral)
            except (AlreadyDeferred, NotFound, BadRequest, HTTPException):

async method defer(self, ctx)

Defer the command

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def defer(self, ctx: "InteractionContext") -> None:
    """Defer the command"""
    if not ctx.responded or not ctx.deferred:
            await ctx.defer(self.ephemeral)
        except (AlreadyDeferred, NotFound, BadRequest, HTTPException):