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attrs class Invite (ClientObject)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
code str

the invite code (unique ID)

uses int

the guild this invite is for

max_uses int

max number of times this invite can be used

max_age int

duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires

created_at Timestamp

when this invite was created

temporary bool

whether this invite only grants temporary membership

target_type Union[naff.models.discord.enums.InviteTargetTypes, int]

the type of target for this voice channel invite

approximate_presence_count Optional[int]

approximate count of online members, returned from the GET /invites/<code> endpoint when with_counts is True

approximate_member_count Optional[int]

approximate count of total members, returned from the GET /invites/<code> endpoint when with_counts is True

scheduled_event Optional[Snowflake_Type]

guild scheduled event data, only included if guild_scheduled_event_id contains a valid guild scheduled event id

expires_at Optional[naff.models.discord.timestamp.Timestamp]

the expiration date of this invite, returned from the GET /invites/<code> endpoint when with_expiration is True

stage_instance Optional[naff.models.discord.stage_instance.StageInstance]

stage instance data if there is a public Stage instance in the Stage channel this invite is for (deprecated)

target_application Optional[dict]

the embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite

guild_preview Optional[naff.models.discord.guild.GuildPreview]

the guild this invite is for

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class Invite(ClientObject):
    code: str = field(repr=True)
    """the invite code (unique ID)"""

    # metadata
    uses: int = field(default=0, repr=True)
    """the guild this invite is for"""
    max_uses: int = field(default=0)
    """max number of times this invite can be used"""
    max_age: int = field(default=0)
    """duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires"""
    created_at: Timestamp = field(default=MISSING, converter=optional_c(timestamp_converter), repr=True)
    """when this invite was created"""
    temporary: bool = field(default=False, repr=True)
    """whether this invite only grants temporary membership"""

    # target data
    target_type: Optional[Union[InviteTargetTypes, int]] = field(
        default=None, converter=optional_c(InviteTargetTypes), repr=True
    """the type of target for this voice channel invite"""
    approximate_presence_count: Optional[int] = field(default=MISSING)
    """approximate count of online members, returned from the `GET /invites/<code>` endpoint when `with_counts` is `True`"""
    approximate_member_count: Optional[int] = field(default=MISSING)
    """approximate count of total members, returned from the `GET /invites/<code>` endpoint when `with_counts` is `True`"""
    scheduled_event: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional_c(to_snowflake), repr=True)
    """guild scheduled event data, only included if `guild_scheduled_event_id` contains a valid guild scheduled event id"""
    expires_at: Optional[Timestamp] = field(default=None, converter=optional_c(timestamp_converter), repr=True)
    """the expiration date of this invite, returned from the `GET /invites/<code>` endpoint when `with_expiration` is `True`"""
    stage_instance: Optional[StageInstance] = field(default=None)
    """stage instance data if there is a public Stage instance in the Stage channel this invite is for (deprecated)"""
    target_application: Optional[dict] = field(default=None)
    """the embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite"""
    guild_preview: Optional[GuildPreview] = field(default=MISSING)
    """the guild this invite is for"""

    # internal for props
    _channel_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(converter=to_snowflake, repr=True)
    _inviter_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional_c(to_snowflake), repr=True)
    _target_user_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional_c(to_snowflake))

    def channel(self) -> "TYPE_GUILD_CHANNEL":
        """The channel the invite is for."""
        return self._client.cache.get_channel(self._channel_id)

    def inviter(self) -> Optional["User"]:
        """The user that created the invite or None."""
        return self._client.cache.get_user(self._inviter_id) if self._inviter_id else None

    def target_user(self) -> Optional["User"]:
        """The user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite or None."""
        return self._client.cache.get_user(self._target_user_id) if self._target_user_id else None

    def _process_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any], client: "Client") -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if "stage_instance" in data:
            data["stage_instance"] = StageInstance.from_dict(data, client)

        if "target_application" in data:
            data["target_application"] = Application.from_dict(data, client)

        if "target_event_id" in data:
            data["scheduled_event"] = data["target_event_id"]

        if channel := data.pop("channel", None):
            # invite metadata does not contain enough info to create a channel object
            data["channel_id"] = channel["id"]

        if guild := data.pop("guild", None):
            data["guild_preview"] = GuildPreview.from_dict(guild, client)

        if inviter := data.pop("inviter", None):
            inviter = client.cache.place_user_data(inviter)
            data["inviter_id"] =

        return data

    def __str__(self) -> str:

    def link(self) -> str:
        """The invite link."""
        if self.scheduled_event:
            return f"{self.code}?event={self.scheduled_event}"
        return f"{self.code}"

    async def delete(self, reason: Absent[str] = MISSING) -> None:
        Delete this invite.

        !!! Note
            You must have the `manage_channels` permission on the channel this invite belongs to.

            With `manage_guild` permission, you can delete any invite across the guild.

            reason: The reason for the deletion of invite.

        await self._client.http.delete_invite(self.code, reason=reason)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

property readonly channel: TYPE_GUILD_CHANNEL

The channel the invite is for.

property readonly inviter: Optional[User]

The user that created the invite or None.

property readonly target_user: Optional[User]

The user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite or None.

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

The invite link.

async method delete(self, reason)

Delete this invite.


You must have the manage_channels permission on the channel this invite belongs to.


With manage_guild permission, you can delete any invite across the guild.


Name Type Description Default
reason Union[str, naff.client.const.Missing]

The reason for the deletion of invite.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def delete(self, reason: Absent[str] = MISSING) -> None:
    Delete this invite.

    !!! Note
        You must have the `manage_channels` permission on the channel this invite belongs to.

        With `manage_guild` permission, you can delete any invite across the guild.

        reason: The reason for the deletion of invite.

    await self._client.http.delete_invite(self.code, reason=reason)