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Stage instance

attrs class StageInstance (DiscordObject)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class StageInstance(DiscordObject):
    topic: str = field()
    privacy_level: StagePrivacyLevel = field()
    discoverable_disabled: bool = field()

    _guild_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(converter=to_snowflake)
    _channel_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(converter=to_snowflake)

    def guild(self) -> "Guild":
        return self._client.cache.get_guild(self._guild_id)

    def channel(self) -> "GuildStageVoice":
        return self._client.cache.get_channel(self._channel_id)

    async def delete(self, reason: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING) -> None:
        Delete this stage instance. Effectively closes the stage.

            reason: The reason for this deletion, for the audit log

        await self._client.http.delete_stage_instance(self._channel_id, reason)

async method delete(self, reason)

Delete this stage instance. Effectively closes the stage.


Name Type Description Default
reason Union[str, NoneType, naff.client.const.Missing]

The reason for this deletion, for the audit log

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def delete(self, reason: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING) -> None:
    Delete this stage instance. Effectively closes the stage.

        reason: The reason for this deletion, for the audit log

    await self._client.http.delete_stage_instance(self._channel_id, reason)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)