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A dictionary mapping of naff objects to their corresponding converters.

class NoArgumentConverter (Converter)

An indicator class for special type of converters that only uses the Context.

This is mainly needed for prefixed commands, as arguments will be "eaten up" by converters otherwise.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class NoArgumentConverter(Converter[T_co]):
    An indicator class for special type of converters that only uses the Context.

    This is mainly needed for prefixed commands, as arguments will be "eaten up" by converters otherwise.

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

The function that converts an argument to the appropriate type.

This should be overridden by subclasses for their conversion logic.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument Any

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted argument.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: "Context", argument: Any) -> T_co:
    The function that converts an argument to the appropriate type.

    This should be overridden by subclasses for their conversion logic.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Any: The converted argument.
    raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes need to implement this.")

class IDConverter (Converter)

The base converter for objects that have snowflake IDs.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class IDConverter(Converter[T_co]):
    """The base converter for objects that have snowflake IDs."""

    def _get_id_match(argument: str) -> Optional[re.Match[str]]:
        return _ID_REGEX.match(argument)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

The function that converts an argument to the appropriate type.

This should be overridden by subclasses for their conversion logic.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument Any

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted argument.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: "Context", argument: Any) -> T_co:
    The function that converts an argument to the appropriate type.

    This should be overridden by subclasses for their conversion logic.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Any: The converted argument.
    raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes need to implement this.")

class SnowflakeConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a SnowflakeObject.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class SnowflakeConverter(IDConverter[SnowflakeObject]):
    """Converts a string argument to a SnowflakeObject."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> SnowflakeObject:
        Converts a given string to a SnowflakeObject.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By role or channel mention.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            SnowflakeObject: The converted object.
        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<(?:@(?:!|&)?|#)([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)

        if match is None:
            raise BadArgument(argument)

        return SnowflakeObject(int(  # type: ignore

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a SnowflakeObject.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By role or channel mention.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> SnowflakeObject:
    Converts a given string to a SnowflakeObject.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By role or channel mention.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        SnowflakeObject: The converted object.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<(?:@(?:!|&)?|#)([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)

    if match is None:
        raise BadArgument(argument)

    return SnowflakeObject(int(  # type: ignore

class ChannelConverter (IDConverter)

The base converter for channel objects.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class ChannelConverter(IDConverter[T_co]):
    """The base converter for channel objects."""

    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return True

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
        Converts a given string to a Channel object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By channel mention.

        3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            BaseChannel: The converted object.
            The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await
        elif ctx.guild:
            result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
            result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

        if self._check(result):
            return result  # type: ignore

        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class BaseChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class BaseChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[BaseChannel]):

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class DMChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class DMChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[DMChannel]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, DMChannel)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class DMConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class DMConverter(ChannelConverter[DM]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, DM)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class DMGroupConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class DMGroupConverter(ChannelConverter[DMGroup]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, DMGroup)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildChannel]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildChannel)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildNewsConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildNewsConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildNews]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildNews)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildCategoryConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildCategoryConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildCategory]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildCategory)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildTextConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildTextConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildText]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildText)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class ThreadChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class ThreadChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[ThreadChannel]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, ThreadChannel)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildNewsThreadConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildNewsThreadConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildNewsThread]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildNewsThread)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildPublicThreadConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildPublicThreadConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildPublicThread]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildPublicThread)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildPrivateThreadConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildPrivateThreadConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildPrivateThread]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildPrivateThread)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class VoiceChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class VoiceChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[VoiceChannel]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, VoiceChannel)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildVoiceConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildVoiceConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildVoice]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildVoice)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class GuildStageVoiceConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildStageVoiceConverter(ChannelConverter[GuildStageVoice]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, GuildStageVoice)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class MessageableChannelConverter (ChannelConverter)

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class MessageableChannelConverter(ChannelConverter[TYPE_MESSAGEABLE_CHANNEL]):
    def _check(self, result: BaseChannel) -> bool:
        return isinstance(result, _MESSAGEABLE_CHANNEL_TYPES)

async inherited method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Channel object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By channel mention.

  3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object. The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co:
    Converts a given string to a Channel object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By channel mention.

    3. By name - the bot will search in a guild if the context has it, otherwise it will search globally.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        BaseChannel: The converted object.
        The channel type will be of the type the converter represents.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
    elif ctx.guild:
        result = next((c for c in ctx.guild.channels if == argument), None)
        result = next((c for c in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

    if self._check(result):
        return result  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')

class UserConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a User object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class UserConverter(IDConverter[User]):
    """Converts a string argument to a User object."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> User:
        Converts a given string to a User object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By mention.

        3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

        4. By username.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            User: The converted object.
        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@!?([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await
            if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#":
                result = next((u for u in if u.tag == argument), None)

            if not result:
                result = next((u for u in if u.username == argument), None)

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'User "{argument}" not found.')

        return result

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a User object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By mention.

  3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

  4. By username.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> User:
    Converts a given string to a User object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By mention.

    3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

    4. By username.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        User: The converted object.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@!?([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
        if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#":
            result = next((u for u in if u.tag == argument), None)

        if not result:
            result = next((u for u in if u.username == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'User "{argument}" not found.')

    return result

class MemberConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a Member object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class MemberConverter(IDConverter[Member]):
    """Converts a string argument to a Member object."""

    def _get_member_from_list(self, members: list[Member], argument: str) -> Optional[Member]:
        # sourcery skip: assign-if-exp
        result = None
        if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#":
            result = next((m for m in members if m.user.tag == argument), None)

        if not result:
            result = next((m for m in members if m.display_name == argument or m.user.username == argument), None)

        return result

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Member:
        Converts a given string to a Member object. This will only work in guilds.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By mention.

        3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

        4. By nickname.

        5. By username.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            Member: The converted object.
        if not ctx.guild:
            raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@!?([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(int(
        elif ctx.guild.chunked:
            result = self._get_member_from_list(ctx.guild.members, argument)
            query = argument
            if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#":
                query, _, _ = argument.rpartition("#")

            members = await ctx.guild.search_members(query, limit=100)
            result = self._get_member_from_list(members, argument)

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'Member "{argument}" not found.')

        return result

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Member object. This will only work in guilds.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By mention.

  3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

  4. By nickname.

  5. By username.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Member:
    Converts a given string to a Member object. This will only work in guilds.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By mention.

    3. By username + tag (ex User#1234).

    4. By nickname.

    5. By username.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Member: The converted object.
    if not ctx.guild:
        raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@!?([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(int(
    elif ctx.guild.chunked:
        result = self._get_member_from_list(ctx.guild.members, argument)
        query = argument
        if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#":
            query, _, _ = argument.rpartition("#")

        members = await ctx.guild.search_members(query, limit=100)
        result = self._get_member_from_list(members, argument)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Member "{argument}" not found.')

    return result

class MessageConverter (Converter)

Converts a string argument to a Message object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class MessageConverter(Converter[Message]):
    """Converts a string argument to a Message object."""

    # either just the id or <chan_id>-<mes_id>, a format you can get by shift clicking "copy id"
    _ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?:(?P<channel_id>[0-9]{15,})-)?(?P<message_id>[0-9]{15,})")
    # of course, having a way to get it from a link is nice
    _MESSAGE_LINK_REGEX = re.compile(

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Message:
        Converts a given string to a Message object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID. The message must be in the same channel as the context.

        2. By message + channel ID in the format of "{Channel ID}-{Message ID}". This can be obtained by shift clicking "Copy ID" when Developer Mode is enabled.

        3. By message link.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            Message: The converted object.
        match = self._ID_REGEX.match(argument) or self._MESSAGE_LINK_REGEX.match(argument)
        if not match:
            raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.')

        data = match.groupdict()

        message_id = data["message_id"]
        channel_id = int(data["channel_id"]) if data.get("channel_id") else

        # this guild checking is technically unnecessary, but we do it just in case
        # it means a user cant just provide an invalid guild id and still get a message
        guild_id = data["guild_id"] if data.get("guild_id") else ctx.guild_id
        guild_id = int(guild_id) if guild_id != "@me" else None

            # this takes less possible requests than getting the guild and/or channel
            mes = await, message_id)
            if mes._guild_id != guild_id:
                raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.')
            return mes
        except Forbidden as e:
            raise BadArgument(f"Cannot read messages for <#{channel_id}>.") from e
        except HTTPException as e:
            raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.') from e

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Message object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID. The message must be in the same channel as the context.

  2. By message + channel ID in the format of "{Channel ID}-{Message ID}". This can be obtained by shift clicking "Copy ID" when Developer Mode is enabled.

  3. By message link.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Message:
    Converts a given string to a Message object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID. The message must be in the same channel as the context.

    2. By message + channel ID in the format of "{Channel ID}-{Message ID}". This can be obtained by shift clicking "Copy ID" when Developer Mode is enabled.

    3. By message link.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Message: The converted object.
    match = self._ID_REGEX.match(argument) or self._MESSAGE_LINK_REGEX.match(argument)
    if not match:
        raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.')

    data = match.groupdict()

    message_id = data["message_id"]
    channel_id = int(data["channel_id"]) if data.get("channel_id") else

    # this guild checking is technically unnecessary, but we do it just in case
    # it means a user cant just provide an invalid guild id and still get a message
    guild_id = data["guild_id"] if data.get("guild_id") else ctx.guild_id
    guild_id = int(guild_id) if guild_id != "@me" else None

        # this takes less possible requests than getting the guild and/or channel
        mes = await, message_id)
        if mes._guild_id != guild_id:
            raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.')
        return mes
    except Forbidden as e:
        raise BadArgument(f"Cannot read messages for <#{channel_id}>.") from e
    except HTTPException as e:
        raise BadArgument(f'Message "{argument}" not found.') from e

class GuildConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a Guild object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class GuildConverter(IDConverter[Guild]):
    """Converts a string argument to a Guild object."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Guild:
        Converts a given string to a Guild object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By name.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            Guild: The converted object.
        match = self._get_id_match(argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await
            result = next((g for g in if == argument), None)

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'Guild "{argument}" not found.')

        return result

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Guild object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By name.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Guild:
    Converts a given string to a Guild object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By name.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Guild: The converted object.
    match = self._get_id_match(argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await
        result = next((g for g in if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Guild "{argument}" not found.')

    return result

class RoleConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a Role object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class RoleConverter(IDConverter[Role]):
    """Converts a string argument to a Role object."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Role:
        Converts a given string to a Role object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By mention.

        3. By name.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            Role: The converted object.
        if not ctx.guild:
            raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@&([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await ctx.guild.fetch_role(int(
            result = next((r for r in ctx.guild.roles if == argument), None)

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'Role "{argument}" not found.')

        return result

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a Role object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By mention.

  3. By name.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> Role:
    Converts a given string to a Role object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By mention.

    3. By name.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        Role: The converted object.
    if not ctx.guild:
        raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<@&([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await ctx.guild.fetch_role(int(
        result = next((r for r in ctx.guild.roles if == argument), None)

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Role "{argument}" not found.')

    return result

class PartialEmojiConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a PartialEmoji object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class PartialEmojiConverter(IDConverter[PartialEmoji]):
    """Converts a string argument to a PartialEmoji object."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> PartialEmoji:
        Converts a given string to a PartialEmoji object.

        This converter only accepts emoji strings.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            PartialEmoji: The converted object.
        if match := re.match(r"<a?:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,32}:([0-9]{15,})>$", argument):
            emoji_animated = bool(
            emoji_name =
            emoji_id = int(

            return PartialEmoji(id=emoji_id, name=emoji_name, animated=emoji_animated)  # type: ignore

        raise BadArgument(f'Couldn\'t convert "{argument}" to {PartialEmoji.__name__}.')

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a PartialEmoji object.

This converter only accepts emoji strings.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> PartialEmoji:
    Converts a given string to a PartialEmoji object.

    This converter only accepts emoji strings.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        PartialEmoji: The converted object.
    if match := re.match(r"<a?:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,32}:([0-9]{15,})>$", argument):
        emoji_animated = bool(
        emoji_name =
        emoji_id = int(

        return PartialEmoji(id=emoji_id, name=emoji_name, animated=emoji_animated)  # type: ignore

    raise BadArgument(f'Couldn\'t convert "{argument}" to {PartialEmoji.__name__}.')

class CustomEmojiConverter (IDConverter)

Converts a string argument to a CustomEmoji object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class CustomEmojiConverter(IDConverter[CustomEmoji]):
    """Converts a string argument to a CustomEmoji object."""

    async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> CustomEmoji:
        Converts a given string to a CustomEmoji object.

        The lookup strategy is as follows:

        1. By raw snowflake ID.

        2. By the emoji string format.

        3. By name.

            ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
            argument: The argument to be converted.

            CustomEmoji: The converted object.
        if not ctx.guild:
            raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

        match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<a?:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,32}:([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
        result = None

        if match:
            result = await ctx.guild.fetch_custom_emoji(int(
                emojis =  # type: ignore
                result = next((e for e in emojis if == argument))

            if not result:
                emojis = await ctx.guild.fetch_all_custom_emojis()
                result = next((e for e in emojis if == argument))

        if not result:
            raise BadArgument(f'Emoji "{argument}" not found.')

        return result

async method convert(self, ctx, argument)

Converts a given string to a CustomEmoji object.

The lookup strategy is as follows:

  1. By raw snowflake ID.

  2. By the emoji string format.

  3. By name.


Name Type Description Default
ctx Context

The context to use for the conversion.

argument str

The argument to be converted.



Type Description

The converted object.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> CustomEmoji:
    Converts a given string to a CustomEmoji object.

    The lookup strategy is as follows:

    1. By raw snowflake ID.

    2. By the emoji string format.

    3. By name.

        ctx: The context to use for the conversion.
        argument: The argument to be converted.

        CustomEmoji: The converted object.
    if not ctx.guild:
        raise BadArgument("This command cannot be used in private messages.")

    match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<a?:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]{1,32}:([0-9]{15,})>$", argument)
    result = None

    if match:
        result = await ctx.guild.fetch_custom_emoji(int(
            emojis =  # type: ignore
            result = next((e for e in emojis if == argument))

        if not result:
            emojis = await ctx.guild.fetch_all_custom_emojis()
            result = next((e for e in emojis if == argument))

    if not result:
        raise BadArgument(f'Emoji "{argument}" not found.')

    return result

class Greedy (list, Generic)

A special marker class to mark an argument in a prefixed command to repeatedly convert until it fails to convert an argument.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class Greedy(List[T]):
    """A special marker class to mark an argument in a prefixed command to repeatedly convert until it fails to convert an argument."""