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Application commands

attrs class LocalisedName (LocalisedField)

A localisation object for names.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
@define(field_transformer=attrs_validator(name_validator, skip_fields=["default_locale"]))
class LocalisedName(LocalisedField):
    """A localisation object for names."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return super().__repr__()

inherited property readonly default: str

The default value based on the CONST default_locale

inherited method get_locale(self, locale)

Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.


Name Type Description Default
locale str

The locale to fetch



Type Description

The localised string, or the default value

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def get_locale(self, locale: str) -> str:
    Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.

        locale: The locale to fetch

        The localised string, or the default value
    if val := getattr(self, locale, None):
        # Attempt to retrieve an attribute with the specified locale
        return val
    if attr := self._code_mapping.get(locale):
        # assume the locale is a code, and attempt to find an attribute with that code
        if val := getattr(self, attr, None):
            # if the value isn't None, return
            return val

    # no value was found, return default
    return self.default

attrs class LocalizedName (LocalisedField)

A localisation object for names.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
@define(field_transformer=attrs_validator(name_validator, skip_fields=["default_locale"]))
class LocalisedName(LocalisedField):
    """A localisation object for names."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return super().__repr__()

inherited property readonly default: str

The default value based on the CONST default_locale

inherited method get_locale(self, locale)

Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.


Name Type Description Default
locale str

The locale to fetch



Type Description

The localised string, or the default value

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def get_locale(self, locale: str) -> str:
    Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.

        locale: The locale to fetch

        The localised string, or the default value
    if val := getattr(self, locale, None):
        # Attempt to retrieve an attribute with the specified locale
        return val
    if attr := self._code_mapping.get(locale):
        # assume the locale is a code, and attempt to find an attribute with that code
        if val := getattr(self, attr, None):
            # if the value isn't None, return
            return val

    # no value was found, return default
    return self.default

attrs class LocalisedDesc (LocalisedField)

A localisation object for descriptions.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
@define(field_transformer=attrs_validator(desc_validator, skip_fields=["default_locale"]))
class LocalisedDesc(LocalisedField):
    """A localisation object for descriptions."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return super().__repr__()

inherited property readonly default: str

The default value based on the CONST default_locale

inherited method get_locale(self, locale)

Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.


Name Type Description Default
locale str

The locale to fetch



Type Description

The localised string, or the default value

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def get_locale(self, locale: str) -> str:
    Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.

        locale: The locale to fetch

        The localised string, or the default value
    if val := getattr(self, locale, None):
        # Attempt to retrieve an attribute with the specified locale
        return val
    if attr := self._code_mapping.get(locale):
        # assume the locale is a code, and attempt to find an attribute with that code
        if val := getattr(self, attr, None):
            # if the value isn't None, return
            return val

    # no value was found, return default
    return self.default

attrs class LocalizedDesc (LocalisedField)

A localisation object for descriptions.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
@define(field_transformer=attrs_validator(desc_validator, skip_fields=["default_locale"]))
class LocalisedDesc(LocalisedField):
    """A localisation object for descriptions."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return super().__repr__()

inherited property readonly default: str

The default value based on the CONST default_locale

inherited method get_locale(self, locale)

Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.


Name Type Description Default
locale str

The locale to fetch



Type Description

The localised string, or the default value

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def get_locale(self, locale: str) -> str:
    Get the value for the specified locale. Supports locale-codes and locale names.

        locale: The locale to fetch

        The localised string, or the default value
    if val := getattr(self, locale, None):
        # Attempt to retrieve an attribute with the specified locale
        return val
    if attr := self._code_mapping.get(locale):
        # assume the locale is a code, and attempt to find an attribute with that code
        if val := getattr(self, attr, None):
            # if the value isn't None, return
            return val

    # no value was found, return default
    return self.default

class OptionTypes (IntEnum)

Option types supported by slash commands.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class OptionTypes(IntEnum):
    """Option types supported by slash commands."""

    STRING = 3
    INTEGER = 4
    BOOLEAN = 5
    USER = 6
    CHANNEL = 7
    ROLE = 8
    NUMBER = 10

    def from_type(cls, t: type) -> "OptionTypes":
        Convert data types to their corresponding OptionType.

            t: The datatype to convert

            OptionType or None

        if issubclass(t, str):
            return cls.STRING
        if issubclass(t, int):
            return cls.INTEGER
        if issubclass(t, bool):
            return cls.BOOLEAN
        if issubclass(t, BaseUser):
            return cls.USER
        if issubclass(t, channel.BaseChannel):
            return cls.CHANNEL
        if issubclass(t, Role):
            return cls.ROLE
        if issubclass(t, float):
            return cls.NUMBER

class CallbackTypes (IntEnum)

Types of callback supported by interaction response.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class CallbackTypes(IntEnum):
    """Types of callback supported by interaction response."""

    PONG = 1
    MODAL = 9

attrs class InteractionCommand (BaseCommand)

Represents a discord abstract interaction command.


Name Type Description Default

Denotes whether its global or for specific guild.

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.

dm_permission bool

Should this command be available in DMs.

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The id of this command given by discord.

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to callback when this interaction is received.


Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
extension Any

The extension this command belongs to

enabled bool

Whether this can be run at all

checks list

Any checks that must be checked before the command can run

cooldown Cooldown

An optional cooldown to apply to the command

max_concurrency MaxConcurrency

An optional maximum number of concurrent instances to apply to the command

error_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called when an error occurs

pre_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called before the command is executed, but after the checks

post_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called after the command has executed

name LocalisedName

1-32 character name

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command

dm_permission bool

Whether this command is enabled in DMs

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The unique IDs of this commands

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to call when this interaction is received

auto_defer AutoDefer

A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class InteractionCommand(BaseCommand):
    Represents a discord abstract interaction command.

        scope: Denotes whether its global or for specific guild.
        default_member_permissions: What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.
        dm_permission: Should this command be available in DMs.
        cmd_id: The id of this command given by discord.
        callback: The coroutine to callback when this interaction is received.


    name: LocalisedName = field(
        metadata=docs("1-32 character name") | no_export_meta, converter=LocalisedName.converter
    scopes: List["Snowflake_Type"] = field(
        metadata=docs("The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids") | no_export_meta,
    default_member_permissions: Optional["Permissions"] = field(
        default=None, metadata=docs("What permissions members need to have by default to use this command")
    dm_permission: bool = field(default=True, metadata=docs("Whether this command is enabled in DMs"))
    cmd_id: Dict[str, "Snowflake_Type"] = field(
        factory=dict, metadata=docs("The unique IDs of this commands") | no_export_meta
    )  # scope: cmd_id
    callback: Callable[..., Coroutine] = field(
        default=None, metadata=docs("The coroutine to call when this interaction is received") | no_export_meta
    auto_defer: "AutoDefer" = field(
        metadata=docs("A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration") | no_export_meta,
    nsfw: bool = field(default=False, metadata=docs("This command should only work in NSFW channels"))
    _application_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(default=None, converter=optional(to_snowflake))

    def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.callback is not None:
            if hasattr(self.callback, "auto_defer"):
                self.auto_defer = self.callback.auto_defer


    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        data = super().to_dict()

        if self.default_member_permissions is not None:
            data["default_member_permissions"] = str(int(self.default_member_permissions))
            data["default_member_permissions"] = None

        return data

    def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
        Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

            scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

            The markdown mention.
        if scope:
            cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
            cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

        return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

    def resolved_name(self) -> str:
        """A representation of this interaction's name."""
        return str(

    def get_localised_name(self, locale: str) -> str:

    def get_cmd_id(self, scope: "Snowflake_Type") -> "Snowflake_Type":
        return self.cmd_id.get(scope, self.cmd_id.get(GLOBAL_SCOPE, None))

    def is_subcommand(self) -> bool:
        return False

    async def _permission_enforcer(self, ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        """A check that enforces Discord permissions."""
        # I wish this wasn't needed, but unfortunately Discord permissions cant be trusted to actually prevent usage
        if self.dm_permission is False:
            return ctx.guild is not None
        return True

async inherited method call_with_binding(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Call a given method using this objects _binding.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]

The callback to call.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def call_with_binding(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a given method using this objects _binding.

        callback: The callback to call.
    if self._binding:
        return await callback(self._binding, *args, **kwargs)
    return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    data = super().to_dict()

    if self.default_member_permissions is not None:
        data["default_member_permissions"] = str(int(self.default_member_permissions))
        data["default_member_permissions"] = None

    return data

method mention(self, scope)

Returns a string that would mention the interaction.


Name Type Description Default
scope Optional[Snowflake_Type]

If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.



Type Description

The markdown mention.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

        scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

        The markdown mention.
    if scope:
        cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
        cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

    return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

property readonly resolved_name: str

A representation of this interaction's name.

inherited method error(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def error(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("Error handler must be coroutine")
    self.error_callback = call
    return call

inherited method pre_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def pre_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("pre_run must be coroutine")
    self.pre_run_callback = call
    return call

inherited method post_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def post_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("post_run must be coroutine")
    self.post_run_callback = call
    return call

attrs class ContextMenu (InteractionCommand)

Represents a discord context menu.


Name Type Description Default
name str | None

The name of this entry.

type CommandTypes

The type of entry (user or message).


Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
extension Any

The extension this command belongs to

enabled bool

Whether this can be run at all

checks list

Any checks that must be checked before the command can run

cooldown Cooldown

An optional cooldown to apply to the command

max_concurrency MaxConcurrency

An optional maximum number of concurrent instances to apply to the command

error_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called when an error occurs

pre_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called before the command is executed, but after the checks

post_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called after the command has executed

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command

dm_permission bool

Whether this command is enabled in DMs

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The unique IDs of this commands

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to call when this interaction is received

auto_defer AutoDefer

A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels

name LocalisedField

1-32 character name

type CommandTypes

The type of command, defaults to 1 if not specified

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class ContextMenu(InteractionCommand):
    Represents a discord context menu.

        name: The name of this entry.
        type: The type of entry (user or message).


    name: LocalisedField = field(metadata=docs("1-32 character name"), converter=LocalisedField.converter)
    type: CommandTypes = field(metadata=docs("The type of command, defaults to 1 if not specified"))

    def _type_validator(self, attribute: str, value: int) -> None:
        if not isinstance(value, CommandTypes):
            if value not in CommandTypes.__members__.values():
                raise ValueError("Context Menu type not recognised, please consult the docs.")
        elif value == CommandTypes.CHAT_INPUT:
            raise ValueError(
                "The CHAT_INPUT type is basically slash commands. Please use the @slash_command() " "decorator instead."

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        data = super().to_dict()

        data["name"] = str(
        return data

async inherited method call_with_binding(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Call a given method using this objects _binding.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]

The callback to call.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def call_with_binding(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a given method using this objects _binding.

        callback: The callback to call.
    if self._binding:
        return await callback(self._binding, *args, **kwargs)
    return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method mention(self, scope)

Returns a string that would mention the interaction.


Name Type Description Default
scope Optional[Snowflake_Type]

If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.



Type Description

The markdown mention.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

        scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

        The markdown mention.
    if scope:
        cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
        cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

    return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

inherited property readonly resolved_name: str

A representation of this interaction's name.

method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    data = super().to_dict()

    data["name"] = str(
    return data

inherited method error(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def error(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("Error handler must be coroutine")
    self.error_callback = call
    return call

inherited method pre_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def pre_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("pre_run must be coroutine")
    self.pre_run_callback = call
    return call

inherited method post_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def post_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("post_run must be coroutine")
    self.post_run_callback = call
    return call

attrs class SlashCommandChoice (DictSerializationMixin)

Represents a discord slash command choice.


Name Type Description Default
name str | None

The name the user will see

value Union[str, int, float]

The data sent to your code when this choice is used


Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
class SlashCommandChoice(DictSerializationMixin):
    Represents a discord slash command choice.

        name: The name the user will see
        value: The data sent to your code when this choice is used


    name: LocalisedField = field(converter=LocalisedField.converter)
    value: Union[str, int, float] = field()

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        return {"name": str(, "value": self.value, "name_localizations":}

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

attrs class SlashCommandOption (DictSerializationMixin)

Represents a discord slash command option.


Name Type Description Default
name str | None

The name of this option

type Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.OptionTypes, int]

The type of option

description str | None

The description of this option

'No Description Set'
required bool

"This option must be filled to use the command"

choices List[Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.SlashCommandChoice, Dict]]

A list of choices the user has to pick between

channel_types Optional[list[Union[naff.models.discord.enums.ChannelTypes, int]]]

The channel types permitted. The option needs to be a channel

min_value Optional[float]

The minimum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float

max_value Optional[float]

The maximum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float

min_length Optional[int]

The minimum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string

max_length Optional[int]

The maximum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string


Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
Source code in naff/models/naff/
class SlashCommandOption(DictSerializationMixin):
    Represents a discord slash command option.

        name: The name of this option
        type: The type of option
        description: The description of this option
        required: "This option must be filled to use the command"
        choices: A list of choices the user has to pick between
        channel_types: The channel types permitted. The option needs to be a channel
        min_value: The minimum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float
        max_value: The maximum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float
        min_length: The minimum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string
        max_length: The maximum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string


    name: LocalisedName = field(converter=LocalisedName.converter)
    type: Union[OptionTypes, int] = field()
    description: LocalisedDesc = field(default="No Description Set", converter=LocalisedDesc.converter)
    required: bool = field(default=True)
    autocomplete: bool = field(default=False)
    choices: List[Union[SlashCommandChoice, Dict]] = field(factory=list)
    channel_types: Optional[list[Union[ChannelTypes, int]]] = field(default=None)
    min_value: Optional[float] = field(default=None)
    max_value: Optional[float] = field(default=None)
    min_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
    max_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None)

    def _type_validator(self, attribute: str, value: int) -> None:
        if value == OptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND or value == OptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND_GROUP:
            raise ValueError(
                "Options cannot be SUB_COMMAND or SUB_COMMAND_GROUP. If you want to use subcommands, "
                "see the @sub_command() decorator."

    def _channel_types_validator(self, attribute: str, value: Optional[list[OptionTypes]]) -> None:
        if value is not None:
            if self.type != OptionTypes.CHANNEL:
                raise ValueError("The option needs to be CHANNEL to use this")

            allowed_int = [channel_type.value for channel_type in ChannelTypes]
            for item in value:
                if (item not in allowed_int) and (item not in ChannelTypes):
                    raise ValueError(f"{value} is not allowed here")

    def _min_value_validator(self, attribute: str, value: Optional[float]) -> None:
        if value is not None:
            if self.type != OptionTypes.INTEGER and self.type != OptionTypes.NUMBER:
                raise ValueError("`min_value` can only be supplied with int or float options")

            if self.type == OptionTypes.INTEGER:
                if isinstance(value, float):
                    raise ValueError("`min_value` needs to be an int in an int option")

            if self.max_value is not None and self.min_value is not None:
                if self.max_value < self.min_value:
                    raise ValueError("`min_value` needs to be <= than `max_value`")

    def _max_value_validator(self, attribute: str, value: Optional[float]) -> None:
        if value is not None:
            if self.type != OptionTypes.INTEGER and self.type != OptionTypes.NUMBER:
                raise ValueError("`max_value` can only be supplied with int or float options")

            if self.type == OptionTypes.INTEGER:
                if isinstance(value, float):
                    raise ValueError("`max_value` needs to be an int in an int option")

            if self.max_value and self.min_value:
                if self.max_value < self.min_value:
                    raise ValueError("`min_value` needs to be <= than `max_value`")

    def _min_length_validator(self, attribute: str, value: Optional[int]) -> None:
        if value is not None:
            if self.type != OptionTypes.STRING:
                raise ValueError("`min_length` can only be supplied with string options")

            if self.max_length is not None and self.min_length is not None:
                if self.max_length < self.min_length:
                    raise ValueError("`min_length` needs to be <= than `max_length`")

            if self.min_length < 0:
                raise ValueError("`min_length` needs to be >= 0")

    def _max_length_validator(self, attribute: str, value: Optional[int]) -> None:
        if value is not None:
            if self.type != OptionTypes.STRING:
                raise ValueError("`max_length` can only be supplied with string options")

            if self.min_length is not None and self.max_length is not None:
                if self.max_length < self.min_length:
                    raise ValueError("`min_length` needs to be <= than `max_length`")

            if self.max_length < 1:
                raise ValueError("`max_length` needs to be >= 1")

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:
        data = attrs.asdict(self)
        data["name"] = str(
        data["description"] = str(self.description)
        data["choices"] = [
            choice.as_dict() if isinstance(choice, SlashCommandChoice) else choice for choice in self.choices
        data["name_localizations"] =
        data["description_localizations"] = self.description.to_locale_dict()

        return data

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

attrs class SlashCommand (InteractionCommand)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
extension Any

The extension this command belongs to

enabled bool

Whether this can be run at all

checks list

Any checks that must be checked before the command can run

cooldown Cooldown

An optional cooldown to apply to the command

max_concurrency MaxConcurrency

An optional maximum number of concurrent instances to apply to the command

error_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called when an error occurs

pre_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called before the command is executed, but after the checks

post_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called after the command has executed

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command

dm_permission bool

Whether this command is enabled in DMs

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The unique IDs of this commands

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to call when this interaction is received

auto_defer AutoDefer

A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class SlashCommand(InteractionCommand):
    name: LocalisedName = field(converter=LocalisedName.converter)
    description: LocalisedDesc = field(default="No Description Set", converter=LocalisedDesc.converter)

    group_name: LocalisedName = field(default=None, metadata=no_export_meta, converter=LocalisedName.converter)
    group_description: LocalisedDesc = field(
        default="No Description Set", metadata=no_export_meta, converter=LocalisedDesc.converter

    sub_cmd_name: LocalisedName = field(default=None, metadata=no_export_meta, converter=LocalisedName.converter)
    sub_cmd_description: LocalisedDesc = field(
        default="No Description Set", metadata=no_export_meta, converter=LocalisedDesc.converter

    options: List[Union[SlashCommandOption, Dict]] = field(factory=list)
    autocomplete_callbacks: dict = field(factory=dict, metadata=no_export_meta)

    def resolved_name(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"{f' {self.group_name}' if bool(self.group_name) else ''}"
            f"{f' {self.sub_cmd_name}' if bool(self.sub_cmd_name) else ''}"

    def get_localised_name(self, locale: str) -> str:
        return (
            f"{f' {self.group_name.get_locale(locale)}' if bool(self.group_name) else ''}"
            f"{f' {self.sub_cmd_name.get_locale(locale)}' if bool(self.sub_cmd_name) else ''}"

    def is_subcommand(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.sub_cmd_name)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.callback is not None:
            params = get_parameters(self.callback)
            for name, val in params.items():
                annotation = None
                if val.annotation and isinstance(val.annotation, SlashCommandOption):
                    annotation = val.annotation
                elif typing.get_origin(val.annotation) is Annotated:
                    for ann in typing.get_args(val.annotation):
                        if isinstance(ann, SlashCommandOption):
                            annotation = ann

                if annotation:
                    if not self.options:
                        self.options = []
           = name

            if hasattr(self.callback, "options"):
                if not self.options:
                    self.options = []
                self.options += self.callback.options


    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        data = super().to_dict()

        if self.is_subcommand:
            data["name"] = str(self.sub_cmd_name)
            data["description"] = str(self.sub_cmd_description)
            data["name_localizations"] = self.sub_cmd_name.to_locale_dict()
            data["description_localizations"] = self.sub_cmd_description.to_locale_dict()
            data.pop("default_member_permissions", None)
            data.pop("dm_permission", None)
            data.pop("nsfw", None)
            data["name_localizations"] =
            data["description_localizations"] = self.description.to_locale_dict()
        return data

    def options_validator(self, attribute: str, value: List) -> None:
        if value:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if len(value) > SLASH_CMD_MAX_OPTIONS:
                    raise ValueError(f"Slash commands can only hold {SLASH_CMD_MAX_OPTIONS} options")
                if value != sorted(
                    key=lambda x: x.required if isinstance(x, SlashCommandOption) else x["required"],
                    raise ValueError("Required options must go before optional options")

                raise TypeError("Options attribute must be either None or a list of options")

    def autocomplete(self, option_name: str) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
        """A decorator to declare a coroutine as an option autocomplete."""

        def wrapper(call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
            if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
                raise TypeError("autocomplete must be coroutine")
            self.autocomplete_callbacks[option_name] = call

            # automatically set the option's autocomplete attribute to True
            for opt in self.options:
                if isinstance(opt, dict) and str(opt["name"]) == option_name:
                    opt["autocomplete"] = True
                elif isinstance(opt, SlashCommandOption) and str( == option_name:
                    opt.autocomplete = True

            return call

        option_name = option_name.lower()
        return wrapper

    def group(self, name: str = None, description: str = "No Description Set") -> "SlashCommand":

        return SlashCommand(

    def subcommand(
        sub_cmd_name: LocalisedName | str,
        group_name: LocalisedName | str = None,
        sub_cmd_description: Absent[LocalisedDesc | str] = MISSING,
        group_description: Absent[LocalisedDesc | str] = MISSING,
        options: List[Union[SlashCommandOption, Dict]] = None,
        nsfw: bool = False,
    ) -> Callable[..., "SlashCommand"]:
        def wrapper(call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> "SlashCommand":
            nonlocal sub_cmd_description

            if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
                raise TypeError("Subcommand must be coroutine")

            if sub_cmd_description is MISSING:
                sub_cmd_description = call.__doc__ or "No Description Set"

            return SlashCommand(
                group_name=group_name or self.group_name,
                group_description=group_description or self.group_description,

        return wrapper

async inherited method call_with_binding(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Call a given method using this objects _binding.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]

The callback to call.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def call_with_binding(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a given method using this objects _binding.

        callback: The callback to call.
    if self._binding:
        return await callback(self._binding, *args, **kwargs)
    return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method mention(self, scope)

Returns a string that would mention the interaction.


Name Type Description Default
scope Optional[Snowflake_Type]

If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.



Type Description

The markdown mention.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

        scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

        The markdown mention.
    if scope:
        cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
        cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

    return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

inherited method error(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def error(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("Error handler must be coroutine")
    self.error_callback = call
    return call

inherited method pre_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def pre_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("pre_run must be coroutine")
    self.pre_run_callback = call
    return call

inherited method post_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def post_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("post_run must be coroutine")
    self.post_run_callback = call
    return call

property readonly resolved_name: str

A representation of this interaction's name.

method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    data = super().to_dict()

    if self.is_subcommand:
        data["name"] = str(self.sub_cmd_name)
        data["description"] = str(self.sub_cmd_description)
        data["name_localizations"] = self.sub_cmd_name.to_locale_dict()
        data["description_localizations"] = self.sub_cmd_description.to_locale_dict()
        data.pop("default_member_permissions", None)
        data.pop("dm_permission", None)
        data.pop("nsfw", None)
        data["name_localizations"] =
        data["description_localizations"] = self.description.to_locale_dict()
    return data

method autocomplete(self, option_name)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as an option autocomplete.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def autocomplete(self, option_name: str) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as an option autocomplete."""

    def wrapper(call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
            raise TypeError("autocomplete must be coroutine")
        self.autocomplete_callbacks[option_name] = call

        # automatically set the option's autocomplete attribute to True
        for opt in self.options:
            if isinstance(opt, dict) and str(opt["name"]) == option_name:
                opt["autocomplete"] = True
            elif isinstance(opt, SlashCommandOption) and str( == option_name:
                opt.autocomplete = True

        return call

    option_name = option_name.lower()
    return wrapper

attrs class ComponentCommand (InteractionCommand)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
extension Any

The extension this command belongs to

enabled bool

Whether this can be run at all

checks list

Any checks that must be checked before the command can run

cooldown Cooldown

An optional cooldown to apply to the command

max_concurrency MaxConcurrency

An optional maximum number of concurrent instances to apply to the command

error_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called when an error occurs

pre_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called before the command is executed, but after the checks

post_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called after the command has executed

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command

dm_permission bool

Whether this command is enabled in DMs

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The unique IDs of this commands

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to call when this interaction is received

auto_defer AutoDefer

A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class ComponentCommand(InteractionCommand):
    # right now this adds no extra functionality, but for future dev ive implemented it
    name: str = field()
    listeners: list[str] = field(factory=list)

async inherited method call_with_binding(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Call a given method using this objects _binding.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]

The callback to call.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def call_with_binding(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a given method using this objects _binding.

        callback: The callback to call.
    if self._binding:
        return await callback(self._binding, *args, **kwargs)
    return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    data = super().to_dict()

    if self.default_member_permissions is not None:
        data["default_member_permissions"] = str(int(self.default_member_permissions))
        data["default_member_permissions"] = None

    return data

inherited method mention(self, scope)

Returns a string that would mention the interaction.


Name Type Description Default
scope Optional[Snowflake_Type]

If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.



Type Description

The markdown mention.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

        scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

        The markdown mention.
    if scope:
        cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
        cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

    return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

inherited property readonly resolved_name: str

A representation of this interaction's name.

inherited method error(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def error(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("Error handler must be coroutine")
    self.error_callback = call
    return call

inherited method pre_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def pre_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("pre_run must be coroutine")
    self.pre_run_callback = call
    return call

inherited method post_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def post_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("post_run must be coroutine")
    self.post_run_callback = call
    return call

attrs class ModalCommand (ComponentCommand)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
extension Any

The extension this command belongs to

enabled bool

Whether this can be run at all

checks list

Any checks that must be checked before the command can run

cooldown Cooldown

An optional cooldown to apply to the command

max_concurrency MaxConcurrency

An optional maximum number of concurrent instances to apply to the command

error_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called when an error occurs

pre_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called before the command is executed, but after the checks

post_run_callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to be called after the command has executed

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of this interaction. Global or guild ids

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command

dm_permission bool

Whether this command is enabled in DMs

cmd_id Dict[str, Snowflake_Type]

The unique IDs of this commands

callback Callable[..., Coroutine]

The coroutine to call when this interaction is received

auto_defer AutoDefer

A system to automatically defer this command after a set duration

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels

Source code in naff/models/naff/
class ModalCommand(ComponentCommand):

async inherited method call_with_binding(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)

Call a given method using this objects _binding.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]

The callback to call.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
async def call_with_binding(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a given method using this objects _binding.

        callback: The callback to call.
    if self._binding:
        return await callback(self._binding, *args, **kwargs)
    return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, Any]

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def update_from_dict(self: Type[const.T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> const.T:
    Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.

        data: The json data received from discord api.

        The updated object class instance.

    data = self._process_dict(data)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    data = super().to_dict()

    if self.default_member_permissions is not None:
        data["default_member_permissions"] = str(int(self.default_member_permissions))
        data["default_member_permissions"] = None

    return data

inherited method mention(self, scope)

Returns a string that would mention the interaction.


Name Type Description Default
scope Optional[Snowflake_Type]

If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.



Type Description

The markdown mention.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def mention(self, scope: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string that would mention the interaction.

        scope: If the command is available in multiple scope, specify which scope to get the mention for. Defaults to the first available one if not specified.

        The markdown mention.
    if scope:
        cmd_id = self.get_cmd_id(scope=scope)
        cmd_id = list(self.cmd_id.values())[0]

    return f"</{self.resolved_name}:{cmd_id}>"

inherited property readonly resolved_name: str

A representation of this interaction's name.

inherited method error(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def error(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run upon an error."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("Error handler must be coroutine")
    self.error_callback = call
    return call

inherited method pre_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def pre_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run before the command."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("pre_run must be coroutine")
    self.pre_run_callback = call
    return call

inherited method post_run(self, call)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has.

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def post_run(self, call: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine]:
    """A decorator to declare a coroutine as one that will be run after the command has."""
    if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(call):
        raise TypeError("post_run must be coroutine")
    self.post_run_callback = call
    return call

function slash_command(name, *, description, scopes, options, default_member_permissions, dm_permission, sub_cmd_name, group_name, sub_cmd_description, group_description, nsfw)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as a slash command.


While the base and group descriptions arent visible in the discord client, currently. We strongly advise defining them anyway, if you're using subcommands, as Discord has said they will be visible in one of the future ui updates.


Name Type Description Default
name str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName

1-32 character name of the command

description Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc, str, naff.client.const.Missing]

1-100 character description of the command

scopes Union[List[Snowflake_Type], naff.client.const.Missing]

The scope this command exists within

options Optional[List[Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.SlashCommandOption, Dict]]]

The parameters for the command, max 25

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.

dm_permission bool

Should this command be available in DMs.

sub_cmd_name str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName

1-32 character name of the subcommand

sub_cmd_description str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc

1-100 character description of the subcommand

'No Description Set'
group_name str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName

1-32 character name of the group

group_description str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc

1-100 character description of the group

'No Description Set'
nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels



Type Description
Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine]], naff.models.naff.application_commands.SlashCommand]

SlashCommand Object

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def slash_command(
    name: str | LocalisedName,
    description: Absent[str | LocalisedDesc] = MISSING,
    scopes: Absent[List["Snowflake_Type"]] = MISSING,
    options: Optional[List[Union[SlashCommandOption, Dict]]] = None,
    default_member_permissions: Optional["Permissions"] = None,
    dm_permission: bool = True,
    sub_cmd_name: str | LocalisedName = None,
    group_name: str | LocalisedName = None,
    sub_cmd_description: str | LocalisedDesc = "No Description Set",
    group_description: str | LocalisedDesc = "No Description Set",
    nsfw: bool = False,
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine]], SlashCommand]:
    A decorator to declare a coroutine as a slash command.

        While the base and group descriptions arent visible in the discord client, currently.
        We strongly advise defining them anyway, if you're using subcommands, as Discord has said they will be visible in
        one of the future ui updates.

        name: 1-32 character name of the command
        description: 1-100 character description of the command
        scopes: The scope this command exists within
        options: The parameters for the command, max 25
        default_member_permissions: What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.
        dm_permission: Should this command be available in DMs.
        sub_cmd_name: 1-32 character name of the subcommand
        sub_cmd_description: 1-100 character description of the subcommand
        group_name: 1-32 character name of the group
        group_description: 1-100 character description of the group
        nsfw: This command should only work in NSFW channels

        SlashCommand Object


    def wrapper(func: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> SlashCommand:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise ValueError("Commands must be coroutines")

        perm = default_member_permissions
        if hasattr(func, "default_member_permissions"):
            if perm:
                perm = perm | func.default_member_permissions
                perm = func.default_member_permissions

        _description = description
        if _description is MISSING:
            _description = func.__doc__ if func.__doc__ else "No Description Set"

        cmd = SlashCommand(
            scopes=scopes if scopes else [GLOBAL_SCOPE],

        return cmd

    return wrapper

function subcommand(base, *, subcommand_group, name, description, base_description, base_desc, base_default_member_permissions, base_dm_permission, subcommand_group_description, sub_group_desc, scopes, options, nsfw)

A decorator specifically tailored for creating subcommands.


Name Type Description Default
base str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName

The name of the base command

subcommand_group Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName]

The name of the subcommand group, if any.

name Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName]

The name of the subcommand, defaults to the name of the coroutine.

description Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc, str, naff.client.const.Missing]

The description of the subcommand

base_description Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc]

The description of the base command

base_desc Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc]

An alias of base_description

base_default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.

base_dm_permission bool

Should this command be available in DMs.

subcommand_group_description Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc]

Description of the subcommand group

sub_group_desc Union[str, naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedDesc]

An alias for subcommand_group_description

scopes List[Snowflake_Type]

The scopes of which this command is available, defaults to GLOBAL_SCOPE

options List[dict]

The options for this command

nsfw bool

This command should only work in NSFW channels



Type Description
Callable[[Coroutine], naff.models.naff.application_commands.SlashCommand]

A SlashCommand object

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def subcommand(
    base: str | LocalisedName,
    subcommand_group: Optional[str | LocalisedName] = None,
    name: Optional[str | LocalisedName] = None,
    description: Absent[str | LocalisedDesc] = MISSING,
    base_description: Optional[str | LocalisedDesc] = None,
    base_desc: Optional[str | LocalisedDesc] = None,
    base_default_member_permissions: Optional["Permissions"] = None,
    base_dm_permission: bool = True,
    subcommand_group_description: Optional[str | LocalisedDesc] = None,
    sub_group_desc: Optional[str | LocalisedDesc] = None,
    scopes: List["Snowflake_Type"] = None,
    options: List[dict] = None,
    nsfw: bool = False,
) -> Callable[[Coroutine], SlashCommand]:
    A decorator specifically tailored for creating subcommands.

        base: The name of the base command
        subcommand_group: The name of the subcommand group, if any.
        name: The name of the subcommand, defaults to the name of the coroutine.
        description: The description of the subcommand
        base_description: The description of the base command
        base_desc: An alias of `base_description`
        base_default_member_permissions: What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.
        base_dm_permission: Should this command be available in DMs.
        subcommand_group_description: Description of the subcommand group
        sub_group_desc: An alias for `subcommand_group_description`
        scopes: The scopes of which this command is available, defaults to GLOBAL_SCOPE
        options: The options for this command
        nsfw: This command should only work in NSFW channels

        A SlashCommand object


    def wrapper(func) -> SlashCommand:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise ValueError("Commands must be coroutines")

        _description = description
        if _description is MISSING:
            _description = func.__doc__ if func.__doc__ else "No Description Set"

        cmd = SlashCommand(
            description=(base_description or base_desc) or "No Description Set",
            group_description=(subcommand_group_description or sub_group_desc) or "No Description Set",
            scopes=scopes if scopes else [GLOBAL_SCOPE],
        return cmd

    return wrapper

function context_menu(name, context_type, scopes, default_member_permissions, dm_permission)

A decorator to declare a coroutine as a Context Menu.


Name Type Description Default
name str | naff.models.naff.application_commands.LocalisedName

1-32 character name of the context menu

context_type CommandTypes

The type of context menu

scopes Union[List[Snowflake_Type], naff.client.const.Missing]

The scope this command exists within

default_member_permissions Optional[Permissions]

What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.

dm_permission bool

Should this command be available in DMs.



Type Description
Callable[[Coroutine], naff.models.naff.application_commands.ContextMenu]

ContextMenu object

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def context_menu(
    name: str | LocalisedName,
    context_type: "CommandTypes",
    scopes: Absent[List["Snowflake_Type"]] = MISSING,
    default_member_permissions: Optional["Permissions"] = None,
    dm_permission: bool = True,
) -> Callable[[Coroutine], ContextMenu]:
    A decorator to declare a coroutine as a Context Menu.

        name: 1-32 character name of the context menu
        context_type: The type of context menu
        scopes: The scope this command exists within
        default_member_permissions: What permissions members need to have by default to use this command.
        dm_permission: Should this command be available in DMs.

        ContextMenu object


    def wrapper(func) -> ContextMenu:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise ValueError("Commands must be coroutines")

        perm = default_member_permissions
        if hasattr(func, "default_member_permissions"):
            if perm:
                perm = perm | func.default_member_permissions
                perm = func.default_member_permissions

        cmd = ContextMenu(
            scopes=scopes if scopes else [GLOBAL_SCOPE],
        return cmd

    return wrapper

function component_callback(*custom_id)

Register a coroutine as a component callback.

Component callbacks work the same way as commands, just using components as a way of invoking, instead of messages. Your callback will be given a single argument, ComponentContext


Name Type Description Default
custom_id str

The custom ID of the component to wait for

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def component_callback(*custom_id: str) -> Callable[[Coroutine], ComponentCommand]:
    Register a coroutine as a component callback.

    Component callbacks work the same way as commands, just using components as a way of invoking, instead of messages.
    Your callback will be given a single argument, `ComponentContext`

        custom_id: The custom ID of the component to wait for


    def wrapper(func) -> ComponentCommand:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise ValueError("Commands must be coroutines")

        return ComponentCommand(name=f"ComponentCallback::{custom_id}", callback=func, listeners=custom_id)

    custom_id = _unpack_helper(custom_id)
    return wrapper

function modal_callback(*custom_id)

Register a coroutine as a modal callback.

Modal callbacks work the same way as commands, just using modals as a way of invoking, instead of messages. Your callback will be given a single argument, ModalContext


Name Type Description Default
*custom_id str

The custom ID of the modal to wait for

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def modal_callback(*custom_id: str) -> Callable[[Coroutine], ModalCommand]:
    Register a coroutine as a modal callback.

    Modal callbacks work the same way as commands, just using modals as a way of invoking, instead of messages.
    Your callback will be given a single argument, `ModalContext`

        *custom_id: The custom ID of the modal to wait for

    def wrapper(func) -> ModalCommand:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise ValueError("Commands must be coroutines")

        return ModalCommand(name=f"ModalCallback::{custom_id}", callback=func, listeners=custom_id)

    custom_id = _unpack_helper(custom_id)
    return wrapper

function slash_option(name, description, opt_type, required, autocomplete, choices, channel_types, min_value, max_value, min_length, max_length)

A decorator to add an option to a slash command.


Name Type Description Default
name str

1-32 lowercase character name matching ^[\w-]{1,32}$

opt_type Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.OptionTypes, int]

The type of option

description str

1-100 character description of option

required bool

If the parameter is required or optional--default false

choices List[Union[naff.models.naff.application_commands.SlashCommandChoice, dict]]

A list of choices the user has to pick between (max 25)

channel_types Optional[list[Union[naff.models.discord.enums.ChannelTypes, int]]]

The channel types permitted. The option needs to be a channel

min_value Optional[float]

The minimum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float

max_value Optional[float]

The maximum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float

min_length Optional[int]

The minimum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string

max_length Optional[int]

The maximum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def slash_option(
    name: str,
    description: str,
    opt_type: Union[OptionTypes, int],
    required: bool = False,
    autocomplete: bool = False,
    choices: List[Union[SlashCommandChoice, dict]] = None,
    channel_types: Optional[list[Union[ChannelTypes, int]]] = None,
    min_value: Optional[float] = None,
    max_value: Optional[float] = None,
    min_length: Optional[int] = None,
    max_length: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Any:
    A decorator to add an option to a slash command.

        name: 1-32 lowercase character name matching ^[\w-]{1,32}$
        opt_type: The type of option
        description: 1-100 character description of option
        required: If the parameter is required or optional--default false
        choices: A list of choices the user has to pick between (max 25)
        channel_types: The channel types permitted. The option needs to be a channel
        min_value: The minimum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float
        max_value: The maximum value permitted. The option needs to be an integer or float
        min_length: The minimum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string
        max_length: The maximum length of text a user can input. The option needs to be a string

    def wrapper(func: Coroutine) -> Coroutine:
        if hasattr(func, "cmd_id"):
            raise Exception("slash_option decorators must be positioned under a slash_command decorator")

        option = SlashCommandOption(
            choices=choices if choices else [],
        if not hasattr(func, "options"):
            func.options = []
        func.options.insert(0, option)
        return func

    return wrapper

function slash_default_member_permission(permission)

A decorator to permissions members need to have by default to use a command.


Name Type Description Default
permission Permissions

The permissions to require for to this command

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def slash_default_member_permission(permission: "Permissions") -> Any:
    A decorator to permissions members need to have by default to use a command.

        permission: The permissions to require for to this command


    def wrapper(func: Coroutine) -> Coroutine:
        if hasattr(func, "cmd_id"):
            raise Exception(
                "slash_default_member_permission decorators must be positioned under a slash_command decorator"

        if not hasattr(func, "default_member_permissions") or func.default_member_permissions is None:
            func.default_member_permissions = permission
            func.default_member_permissions = func.default_member_permissions | permission
        return func

    return wrapper

function auto_defer(ephemeral, time_until_defer)

A decorator to add an auto defer to a application command.


Name Type Description Default
ephemeral bool

Should the command be deferred as ephemeral

time_until_defer float

How long to wait before deferring automatically

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def auto_defer(ephemeral: bool = False, time_until_defer: float = 0.0) -> Callable[[Coroutine], Coroutine]:
    A decorator to add an auto defer to a application command.

        ephemeral: Should the command be deferred as ephemeral
        time_until_defer: How long to wait before deferring automatically


    def wrapper(func: Coroutine) -> Coroutine:
        if hasattr(func, "cmd_id"):
            raise Exception("auto_defer decorators must be positioned under a slash_command decorator")
        func.auto_defer = AutoDefer(enabled=True, ephemeral=ephemeral, time_until_defer=time_until_defer)
        return func

    return wrapper

function application_commands_to_dict(commands)

Convert the command list into a format that would be accepted by discord.

Client.interactions should be the variable passed to this

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def application_commands_to_dict(commands: Dict["Snowflake_Type", Dict[str, InteractionCommand]]) -> dict:
    Convert the command list into a format that would be accepted by discord.

    `Client.interactions` should be the variable passed to this

    cmd_bases = {}  # {cmd_base: [commands]}
    """A store of commands organised by their base command"""
    output = {}
    """The output dictionary"""

    def squash_subcommand(subcommands: List) -> Dict:
        output_data = {}
        groups = {}
        sub_cmds = []
        for subcommand in subcommands:
            if not output_data:
                output_data = {
                    "name": str(,
                    "description": str(subcommand.description),
                    "options": [],
                    "default_member_permissions": str(int(subcommand.default_member_permissions))
                    if subcommand.default_member_permissions
                    else None,
                    "dm_permission": subcommand.dm_permission,
                    "description_localizations": subcommand.description.to_locale_dict(),
                    "nsfw": subcommand.nsfw,
            if bool(subcommand.group_name):
                if str(subcommand.group_name) not in groups:
                    groups[str(subcommand.group_name)] = {
                        "name": str(subcommand.group_name),
                        "description": str(subcommand.group_description),
                        "type": int(OptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND_GROUP),
                        "options": [],
                        "name_localizations": subcommand.group_name.to_locale_dict(),
                        "description_localizations": subcommand.group_description.to_locale_dict(),
                    subcommand.to_dict() | {"type": int(OptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND)}
            elif subcommand.is_subcommand:
                sub_cmds.append(subcommand.to_dict() | {"type": int(OptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND)})
        options = list(groups.values()) + sub_cmds
        output_data["options"] = options
        return output_data

    for _scope, cmds in commands.items():
        for cmd in cmds.values():
            cmd_name = str(
            if cmd_name not in cmd_bases:
                cmd_bases[cmd_name] = [cmd]
            if cmd not in cmd_bases[cmd_name]:

    for cmd_list in cmd_bases.values():
        if any(c.is_subcommand for c in cmd_list):
            # validate all commands share required attributes
            scopes: list[Snowflake_Type] = list({s for c in cmd_list for s in c.scopes})
            base_description = next(
                    for c in cmd_list
                    if str(c.description) is not None and str(c.description) != "No Description Set"
                "No Description Set",
            nsfw = cmd_list[0].nsfw

            if not all(str(c.description) in (str(base_description), "No Description Set") for c in cmd_list):
                    f"Conflicting descriptions found in `{cmd_list[0].name}` subcommands; `{str(base_description)}` will be used"
            if not all(c.default_member_permissions == cmd_list[0].default_member_permissions for c in cmd_list):
                raise ValueError(f"Conflicting `default_member_permissions` values found in `{cmd_list[0].name}`")
            if not all(c.dm_permission == cmd_list[0].dm_permission for c in cmd_list):
                raise ValueError(f"Conflicting `dm_permission` values found in `{cmd_list[0].name}`")
            if not all(c.nsfw == nsfw for c in cmd_list):
                logger.warning(f"Conflicting `nsfw` values found in {cmd_list[0].name} - `True` will be used")
                nsfw = True

            for cmd in cmd_list:
                cmd.scopes = list(scopes)
                cmd.description = base_description
            # end validation of attributes
            cmd_data = squash_subcommand(cmd_list)
            scopes = cmd_list[0].scopes
            cmd_data = cmd_list[0].to_dict()
        for s in scopes:
            if s not in output:
                output[s] = [cmd_data]
    return output

function sync_needed(local_cmd, remote_cmd)

Compares a local application command to its remote counterpart to determine if a sync is required.


Name Type Description Default
local_cmd dict

The local json representation of the command

remote_cmd Optional[dict]

The json representation of the command from Discord



Type Description

Boolean indicating if a sync is needed

Source code in naff/models/naff/
def sync_needed(local_cmd: dict, remote_cmd: Optional[dict] = None) -> bool:
    Compares a local application command to its remote counterpart to determine if a sync is required.

        local_cmd: The local json representation of the command
        remote_cmd: The json representation of the command from Discord

        Boolean indicating if a sync is needed
    if not remote_cmd:
        # No remote version, command must be new
        return True

    if not _compare_commands(local_cmd, remote_cmd):
        # basic comparison of attributes
        return True

    if remote_cmd["type"] == CommandTypes.CHAT_INPUT:
            if not _compare_options(local_cmd["options"], remote_cmd["options"]):
                # options are not the same, sync needed
                return True
        except KeyError:
            if "options" in local_cmd or "options" in remote_cmd:
                return True

    return False