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class StickerTypes (IntEnum)

Types of sticker.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class StickerTypes(IntEnum):
    """Types of sticker."""

    STANDARD = 1
    """An official sticker in a pack, part of Nitro or in a removed purchasable pack."""
    GUILD = 2
    """A sticker uploaded to a Boosted guild for the guild's members."""


A sticker uploaded to a Boosted guild for the guild's members.


An official sticker in a pack, part of Nitro or in a removed purchasable pack.

class StickerFormatTypes (IntEnum)

File formats for stickers.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class StickerFormatTypes(IntEnum):
    """File formats for stickers."""

    PNG = 1
    APNG = 2
    LOTTIE = 3

attrs class StickerItem (DiscordObject)

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

name str

Name of the sticker.

format_type StickerFormatTypes

Type of sticker image format.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class StickerItem(DiscordObject):
    name: str = field(repr=True)
    """Name of the sticker."""
    format_type: StickerFormatTypes = field(repr=True, converter=StickerFormatTypes)
    """Type of sticker image format."""

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

attrs class Sticker (StickerItem)

Represents a sticker that can be sent in messages.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

pack_id Optional[Snowflake_Type]

For standard stickers, id of the pack the sticker is from.

description Optional[str]

Description of the sticker.

tags str

autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters)

type Union[naff.models.discord.sticker.StickerTypes, int]

Type of sticker.

available Optional[bool]

Whether this guild sticker can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts.

sort_value Optional[int]

The standard sticker's sort order within its pack.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class Sticker(StickerItem):
    """Represents a sticker that can be sent in messages."""

    pack_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional(to_snowflake))
    """For standard stickers, id of the pack the sticker is from."""
    description: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
    """Description of the sticker."""
    tags: str = field()
    """autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters)"""
    type: Union[StickerTypes, int] = field(converter=StickerTypes)
    """Type of sticker."""
    available: Optional[bool] = field(default=True)
    """Whether this guild sticker can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts."""
    sort_value: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
    """The standard sticker's sort order within its pack."""

    _user_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional(to_snowflake))
    _guild_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None, converter=optional(to_snowflake))

    async def fetch_creator(self) -> "User":
        Fetch the user who created this emoji.

            User object

        return await self._client.cache.fetch_user(self._user_id)

    def get_creator(self) -> "User":
        Get the user who created this emoji.

            User object

        return self._client.cache.get_user(self._user_id)

    async def fetch_guild(self) -> "Guild":
        Fetch the guild associated with this emoji.

            Guild object

        return await self._client.cache.fetch_guild(self._guild_id)

    def get_guild(self) -> "Guild":
        Get the guild associated with this emoji.

            Guild object

        return self._client.cache.get_guild(self._guild_id)

    async def edit(
        name: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
        description: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
        tags: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
        reason: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
    ) -> "Sticker":
        Edit a sticker.

            name: New name of the sticker
            description: New description of the sticker
            tags: New tags of the sticker
            reason: Reason for the edit

            The updated sticker instance

        if not self._guild_id:
            raise ValueError("You can only edit guild stickers.")

        payload = dict_filter_none({"name": name, "description": description, "tags": tags})
        sticker_data = await self._client.http.modify_guild_sticker(payload, self._guild_id,, reason)
        return self.update_from_dict(sticker_data)

    async def delete(self, reason: Optional[str] = MISSING) -> None:
        Delete a sticker.

            reason: Reason for the deletion

            ValueError: If you attempt to delete a non-guild sticker

        if not self._guild_id:
            raise ValueError("You can only delete guild stickers.")

        await self._client.http.delete_guild_sticker(self._guild_id,, reason)

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

async method fetch_creator(self)

Fetch the user who created this emoji.


Type Description

User object

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def fetch_creator(self) -> "User":
    Fetch the user who created this emoji.

        User object

    return await self._client.cache.fetch_user(self._user_id)

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


method get_creator(self)

Get the user who created this emoji.


Type Description

User object

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def get_creator(self) -> "User":
    Get the user who created this emoji.

        User object

    return self._client.cache.get_user(self._user_id)

async method fetch_guild(self)

Fetch the guild associated with this emoji.


Type Description

Guild object

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def fetch_guild(self) -> "Guild":
    Fetch the guild associated with this emoji.

        Guild object

    return await self._client.cache.fetch_guild(self._guild_id)

method get_guild(self)

Get the guild associated with this emoji.


Type Description

Guild object

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def get_guild(self) -> "Guild":
    Get the guild associated with this emoji.

        Guild object

    return self._client.cache.get_guild(self._guild_id)

inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)

async method edit(self, name, description, tags, reason)

Edit a sticker.


Name Type Description Default
name Union[str, NoneType, naff.client.const.Missing]

New name of the sticker

description Union[str, NoneType, naff.client.const.Missing]

New description of the sticker

tags Union[str, NoneType, naff.client.const.Missing]

New tags of the sticker

reason Union[str, NoneType, naff.client.const.Missing]

Reason for the edit



Type Description

The updated sticker instance

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def edit(
    name: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
    description: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
    tags: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
    reason: Absent[Optional[str]] = MISSING,
) -> "Sticker":
    Edit a sticker.

        name: New name of the sticker
        description: New description of the sticker
        tags: New tags of the sticker
        reason: Reason for the edit

        The updated sticker instance

    if not self._guild_id:
        raise ValueError("You can only edit guild stickers.")

    payload = dict_filter_none({"name": name, "description": description, "tags": tags})
    sticker_data = await self._client.http.modify_guild_sticker(payload, self._guild_id,, reason)
    return self.update_from_dict(sticker_data)

async method delete(self, reason)

Delete a sticker.


Name Type Description Default
reason Optional[str]

Reason for the deletion



Type Description

If you attempt to delete a non-guild sticker

Source code in naff/models/discord/
async def delete(self, reason: Optional[str] = MISSING) -> None:
    Delete a sticker.

        reason: Reason for the deletion

        ValueError: If you attempt to delete a non-guild sticker

    if not self._guild_id:
        raise ValueError("You can only delete guild stickers.")

    await self._client.http.delete_guild_sticker(self._guild_id,, reason)

attrs class StickerPack (DiscordObject)

Represents a pack of standard stickers.

Attr attributes:

Name Type Description
id int

Discord unique snowflake ID

stickers List[Sticker]

The stickers in the pack.

name str

Name of the sticker pack.

sku_id Snowflake_Type

id of the pack's SKU.

cover_sticker_id Optional[Snowflake_Type]

id of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon.

description str

Description of the sticker pack.

banner_asset_id Snowflake_Type

id of the sticker pack's banner image.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
class StickerPack(DiscordObject):
    """Represents a pack of standard stickers."""

    stickers: List["Sticker"] = field(factory=list)
    """The stickers in the pack."""
    name: str = field(repr=True)
    """Name of the sticker pack."""
    sku_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field(repr=True)
    """id of the pack's SKU."""
    cover_sticker_id: Optional["Snowflake_Type"] = field(default=None)
    """id of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon."""
    description: str = field()
    """Description of the sticker pack."""
    banner_asset_id: "Snowflake_Type" = field()  # TODO CDN Asset
    """id of the sticker pack's banner image."""

inherited method update_from_dict(self, data)

Updates object attribute(s) with new json data received from discord api.


Name Type Description Default

The json data received from discord api.



Type Description

The updated object class instance.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def update_from_dict(self, data) -> T:
    data = self._process_dict(data, self._client)
    for key, value in self._filter_kwargs(data, self._get_keys()).items():
        # todo improve
        setattr(self, key, value)

    return self

inherited property readonly created_at: models.Timestamp

Returns a timestamp representing the date-time this discord object was created.


inherited method to_dict(self)

Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The exported dictionary.

Source code in naff/models/discord/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Exports object into dictionary representation, ready to be sent to discord api.

        The exported dictionary.

    return serializer.to_dict(self)